Activities to promote Native Camp and teachers using my YouTube channel

#This article is private.

I start promoting Native Camp and teachers on my YouTube channel. 

About Me

I’m Momi. I have my blog, ‘もみノマド‘ and two YouTube channels like below;

  1. Momi Meets Girls
    Subscribers: 5,400
    Views: 1,707,000
    Main Viewer: Japan

  2. Momi Nomad
    Subscribers: 2,700
    Views: 477,000
    Main Viewer: America, England, Germany, Australia

(10th Oct, 2020)

I have mainly shot beautiful women in Southeast Asia such as Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand.

I had lived in Manila for a total of over a year. I traveled many famous places in the Philippines. So, I’m more familiar with the Philippines than ordinary people.

My Native Camp

My Native Camp history

I restarted Native Camp on 9th Oct, 2020. It’s not the first time for me. I have taken a lot of lessons at this Native Camp. I sometimes starts and sometimes stopped it.

 Why did I restart Native Camp?

I start promoting Native Camp and teachers on my YouTube channel. 

I carry out the activities for the following purposes;

  1. To get customers (For Native Camp company)
  2. To make money more (For teachers in Native Camp)
  3. To make money (For me)

I can make Win-Win situation each other. I’ll explain the details below;

To get customers (For Native Camp company)

There’re many English online schools now. Especially after COVID-19 pandemic, the number of online English school has been increasing sharply. Many Japanese starting to learn English don’t know that Native Camp is the best for practicing English conversation. I’ll let them know how great Native Camp is.

To make money more (For teachers in Native Camp)

Many Japanese guy want to talk with beautiful and good Filipina teacher. But it’s not easy to find them since there’re also many online English teacher especially under COVID-19 situation.
I’ll introduce good Filipina teacher to students by uploading videos on my YouTube channel. Once teacher appear on my videos, the number of your students will be increasing. It would be difficult to take your lesson without booking. It means teacher’s salary will increase more.

To make money (For me)

I already have two monetized YouTube channels. I can make money from these YouTube channels through its advertisements. I also have my this blog. I can make money from my blog through affiliate of Native Camp.So, I’m happy if the number of students in Native Camp is increasing through my YouTube channel and my blog.


For making my contents, I want to choose free conversation rather than ordinary lesson with text books.


I choose Filipino teacher. I’m familiar with Philippine. So, I’ll give teacher some topics related to the Philippines by using my blog or videos.

フィリピン ホテル 相場

【保存版】フィリピン 観光地のホテル相場と選び方 全エリアガイド【2019年】


For example, if you live near Cebu city and know SM Seaside City Cebu, I’ll give you the topic below;

SM Seaside Ctiy Cebu セブ

SM Seaside Ctiy Cebu セブで一番大きなショッピングモール


Although these article in my blog were written in Japanese, you can read my article in English with google translate select box on the right side of my blog like this;

google 言語選択

We can make a conversation with my blog.


If you’re OK to be taken video, I record my lesson while talking with you. Then I edit my video and upload it on my YouTube channel. I’ll inform Native Camp office my video uploaded.

If you want to delete part of my video, please tell me which part is not good for you through message after our lesson.


オンライン英会話 ネイティブキャンプ(NativeCamp) Tine #1 〜Talk about Samal island in Davao

オンライン英会話、ネイティブキャンプ(NativeCamp) のTine先生とのフリートーク(Samal island in Davao)動画です。 Tine先生とのレッスンはこちらで出来ます。 日本語字幕は、英語字幕から自動翻訳を使って表示できます。 ・「設定」-「字幕」-「英語(アメリカ合衆国)」-「自動翻訳」-「日本語」 なお、本動画をYouTubeにアップすることはネイティブキャンプ(NativeCamp) とTine先生の了承済みです。 (参考記事) 【保存版】フィリピン 観光地のホテル相場と選び方 全エリアガイド【2019年】 英語を話せない人が、日常英会話できるようになるための学習方法とロードマップ 動画編集者 一から始めて稼ぐためのロードマップ (使用機材) 動画編集ソフト: Adobe Premiere Pro === For English speaker ==== You can also register for NativeCamp. Please send me a message from the URL below.

This is the first time to shoot teacher in NativeCamp.I uploaded this video on my YouTube channel, Momi Meets Girls.

Contact to me

If you’re interested in my activity to promote Native Camp and teachers using my YouTube channel, please contact to me. You can message me here.

I’m waiting for your request “I want to appear on Momi’s YouTube channel so that I become famous and get my students more”.